Beaver Board Tools
Beaver Board Pattern
The beaver board pattern is made from cabinet grade baltic birch, that is used to make your own plywood beaver board. With this pattern you will mark each quarter of the board by flipping the pattern to the next section on your plywood until you have ovals. Our pattern board even comes with the extra line to finish the outside rings to complete all of the sizes.
each / $24.00
Beaver Story Stick
No more guessing what line to tack your beaver pelt on only to find out when your halfway done you are on the wrong size. Just hang the pelt from both eye holes and look to see where the base is and the story stick tells you the size of your beaver. The story stick is a real time saver.
each / $18.00
Caribou Beaver Knife
This is a wide rounded blade best used on beavers. The blade length is 3 1/2" by 1 1/4" at it's widest part. Cutting edge is 3 1/2" long.
each / $48.00